You may deposit physical precious metals to your account by shipping them into our facility or dropping them off at our downtown, Toronto Facility.
To note: Physical precious metals are credited on your account upon verification of goods, and may take a few days to authenticate the weight and purity before a credit is reflected on your account.
You may deposit cash into your account by credit card, debit card, bank transfer & wire, or cash deposit in-store at a Gold stock location.
Simply Go to your funds and click deposit, from dropdown menu select deposit method of choice, upon selecting, a new window will provide deposit instructions.
*Initial bank deposits are held for a minimum of 5 busiesss before you are able to use funds to purchase physical or non-deliverable products. Processing time decreases after your first five succesful deposits.
Simply go to funds and click Withdraw, enter the amount you would like to withdraw and then select payment method.
Bank Wire: Enter your exact account details as listed on your bank account, having errors may delay payment. Once you request is sent, It may take up to 48 hours or more for payments to reflect in your bank account.
Cash: Pick up in store at one of our locations, simply walk in to a Gold Stock branch and withdraw cash, up to $3000 per day.
Physical settlement of GoldX or other PM contracts: Go to your funds, select the metal you would like to withdraw, You will be redirected to a new window to enter the exact amount of gold you will like to settle in oz increments
For Example, if you have 0.50/oz in a GoldX contract and would like to withdraw 5 grams worth of gold, simply take the weight you would like to withdraw and divide it by 31.105 troy oz.
5.00 Grams divided by 31.105 Troy oz = 0.16075 oz
In your withdrawal request of 5 grams, you would convert 5 grams into troy oz. In our example, it would be, 0.16075.
Upon selecting the weight in oz, the window will expand a catalog of products that you can chose from, they will include all products that are under weight, but up to 5 grams or 0.16075 oz.
In the exchange page, you can buy or sell precious metal-Future contracts, these contracts are as liquid as physical metal, and can be converted to physical metal at any point. They follow the price of gold with a 1:1 ratio. GoldX contracts allow you to purchase fractions of gold, silver, platinum or palladium, in increments as small as $1 worth or 0.001/oz, making them an affordable solution for those starting precious metal investments.
Buying: Select precious metal you would like to purchase, click “Buy”.
Here the window will display the current price to buy 1oz, you may enter total dollar value worth of gold you would like to purchase or enter the amount of OZ’s you would like to purchase. you can enter as little as $10, and the window will automatically calcute and display how much oz you will be credited, or you may enter in oz, as small as 0.01/oz, and the window will automatically display the dollar value of the quantity you’ve entered.
*Ensure the currency you would like to purchase in is correct, to change the currency simply look to the top menu, you will see a flag, each reflecting the associated currency, Canadian Dollars, American dollars or European Euros.
Once selected, simply hit buy and the order will be added to your cart.
All orders without a balance on account, are subject to a 10% deposit, you can pay using your credit card, and your order will be locked in. The contract will not be credited in yours funds until the remaining 90% of the payment is complete. Once complete, the system will automatically credit the appropriate metal in your account.
In the exchange page, you can buy or sell precious metal-Future contracts, these contracts are as liquid as physical metal, and can be converted to physical metal at any point. They follow the price of gold with a 1:1 ratio. GoldX contracts allow you to purchase fractions of gold, silver, platinum or palladium, in increments as small as $1 worth or 0.001/oz, making them an affordable solution for those starting precious metal investments.
Selling X contract: Select the precious metal you would like to sell.
Here the window will display the current price to sell 1oz, you may enter a total dollar value worth of metal, or enter the amount of oz you would like to sell, you can chose to liquidate at once or in increments as small as $10 or 0.001/oz. upon the method you chose, the window will automatically display the equivalent dollar value or oz, enter the exact amount you wish to sell and hit submit, once the order has filled, you can review details in order history and have a fiat value credited to your funds. Which you can either withdraw to your bank or purchase physical precious metals from the shop page.